Welsh Championship

Compete for the honour of becoming 2024 Welsh Champion in this series of 7 races of varying distances and levels of technicality spread across the whole of Wales. The overall winners will take home the coveted trophies and there will be prizes for all age grade winners that complete the series.


Overall U23 V40 V50 V60 V70 V75



Sad, 27 Ion 2024

Ras Tarrenhendre

AS 9.7cm/610m 6mi/2001tr
Sul, 17 Maw 2024

Tor y Foel

BS 7.4cm/350m 4.6mi/1148tr
Sad, 4 Mai 2024

Moel Eilio

AM 12.8cm/915m 8mi/3002tr
Sad, 11 Mai 2024

Preseli Beast

AL 39.7cm/1655m 24.7mi/5430tr
Sad, 11 Mai 2024

Preseli Beast Bach

V60, V70, V75 only
BM 18.2cm/760m 11.3mi/2493tr
Sad, 13 Gorff 2024

Four Fans

AM 18cm/1200m 11.2mi/3937tr
Sul, 25 Awst 2024

Ras Cnicht

AS 7.2cm/564m 4.5mi/1850tr
Sad, 21 Medi 2024

Pedol Peris

AL 28.2cm/2600m 17.5mi/8530tr


To qualify for the Series each competitor must:

  • Be a paid-up member of the WFRA as of 1 July 2024
  • Have completed a minimum of 3 races within the Series 

Age categories

  • The age categories are: u23, v40, v50, v60, v70, v75, V80. Your age as of 1 January 2024 will be used to determine the applicable age category for the Series. 
  • Senior, v40 and v50 categories must complete a ‘Long’. 
  • U23 and over 60 do not need to complete a ‘Long’ but may do so if they wish. Preseli Bach can be an option for v60+.  
  • Prizes will be awarded in all categories.


Scoring for the Series is based on the percentage of the course you could have covered in the time it took the average person to finish. This is calculated as: (A/R) * 100 - where R is the runner’s time in seconds and A is the mean (average) time of all finishers.

Your series score is the sum of your best 4 scores in the series.